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  • Positioning a pharmaceutical company as a partner in the public health agenda

    Astellas Pharma


    The challenge in terms of public affairs was introducing Astellas pharma to policymakers and decision-makers at the technical and operational levels in order to build institutional trust.

    At the same time, the goal was to perform a follow-up with technical areas and key officials on relevant issues for the company, in order to be one step ahead of regulatory decisions and position the value of innovation and quality of the drugs manufactured by Astellas pharma.
    An analysis was conducted in the pharmaceutical sector, with specific guidance was provided for the development and implementation of a comprehensive public affairs plan.


    To this end, we identified and prioritized the stakeholders in the public sector that can help achieve the business goals of Astellas in Argentina, by following up on critical issues: identification and prioritization of the main business issues for Astellas in Argentina: lack of intellectual property in Argentina; negotiation between Argentine and foreign pharmaceuticals with the PAMI medical plan for the elderly; public policies on new therapeutic treatments; and medications implemented by the superintendence of healthcare services, among others.

    We then moved on to the implementation of the liaison phase with key stakeholders for the laboratory, including political leaders, legislators, journalists specializing in health, chamber representatives, etc.


    One of the major outcomes was being able to explain the political environment, the economic situation and the reality of the pharmaceutical sector in Argentina, by prioritizing topics of interest as points of information for the company and anticipating possible risks for the Astellas business.
    In this sense, we assisted in the analysis and evaluation conducted by the client on the business model and in the setup of the Astellas commercial office in Argentina.
    Based on the objectives of this new stage of the business, a plan was created to engage in strategic relations with competent government agencies in the areas of investment, productive development, the top regulatory body in matters of health, and the government area responsible for regulating patents in Argentina.