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  • Untold Careers

    Untold| was created with one certainty: today's professionals need independence and freedom. Independence from rigid and bureaucratic structures and freedom to think, to create, to grow. Untold| is a space for face-to-face encounters, where professionals from different communication areas meet on a daily basis. It is in these encounters where synergies appear and new things occur.

    Untold| is an independent communication ecosystem. The professionals that work for us share a common DNA, and are initiative- and curiosity-driven. They are passionate about their profession. They are convinced that communication today knows no borders, and that integration between cities and countries is essential.

    We created Untold| because we envisioned a new business model to work in. We believe that the best conditions attract the best professionals. And we know that companies are only as valuable as the people who are a part of them.

    Untold Values

    Creativity is a vital part of everything we do. We love what we do, and that is reflected in our work. We are proud of what we do.
    We are a dynamic, agile and flexible agency that does not believe in rigid structures. We are genuine, forthright, and we have an open culture.
    We respect the differences and freedom of each individual. We are fair. We are aware of our responsibility in the construction of social conceptions. We offer a safe working environment.
    We believe in the sum of the parts to form a whole and achieve our goals. We work within an open dialogue environment. We cultivate relationships based on trust. We prioritize interdisciplinary teamwork over individualities. We are convinced that together, we are stronger.
    We celebrate ideas and putting them into practice, and we promote freedom to think, create and grow, regardless of role, experience or seniority.


    Untold| : Untold challenges, Untold dreams, Untold possibilities.

    We’re looking for creative people who think strategically and are interested in conceiving new and relevant work as part of a team, people who are open to a future full of possibilities.

    We’re always learning. We’re looking for superlative professionals, not so we can tell them what to do, but so they can tell us what we should be doing.